Wednesday, 31 October 2012

You Are Energy!

Meditation is used to tap into our powerful mental and spiritual energies.  It helps us understand the concept that we are energetic and as such, vibrational beings.

Our bodies are surrounded by an energetic field, commonly known as the aura, which in itself consists of a series of energy fields, known in metaphysical terms as the "subtle bodies".  These serve to align our soul or spirit with the physical world.  Closest to our body, we find the physical aura or "etheric double".

These overlapping fields of subtle energy vibrate at their own frequencies, which, although invisible to the human eye, range from dense to the finest of substances, with those closest to the body being the most dense.

Within here lies the Chakras (Sanskrit word for wheels / circles / vortex).  The major Chakras (of which there are 7) are more or less in line in front of the spine and are responsible for creating aura and influence the condition of our thoughts and feelings, which in turn affect the functioning of our organs.

Imbalance or blockages of the Chakras distort auric energy.  Each Chakra has a predominant colour.  These are:

Working with your Chakra System enables you to activate them through meditation and any issues that are causing blockages will surface from your subconscious mind.  Commitment to healing will give you the opportunity to deal with these issues and once your Chakras are all open and functional at optimal levels, you will experience a wonderful sense of empowerment, feeling whole and highly energetic.

Furthermore, the Chakras also govern the body's central nervous system and the 7 ductless glands responsible for secreting hormones into the bloodstream.

Power of thought .... positive thought ... restore vibrational imbalances and this is where the benefits of meditation and mind control can have a major influence on a person's general health and well-being.

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